Oldham Central Masjid – DQ Admission Form and Rules & Regulations of Behaviour and Conduct
- Minimum age of admission for a child is six years.
- All Students must attend Darul Qirat on time, from 16:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday.
- Children will not be allowed to leave during the class hours unless prior arrangements have been made with their teacher.
- Uniform: The girls are advised to wear black veil (Burkah), black scarf and the boys to wear White Punjabi, White Cap (Topi).
- It is the responsibility of the guardian/ Parent to drop and collect their children.
- Teachers must be respected and obeyed at all time.
- The teachers have the right to caution and discipline the children.
- The teacher, in extreme circumstances, has the right to expel or suspend a child.
- If the parent/guardian is unhappy with the expulsion or suspension, they can formally lodge an appeal to the Head of the Centre.
- There will be registration & Course fee of Surah £30.00, Awal £35, Sani £40 & Salis £45
- Pupil’s name will be taken out of the register if absent without permission for 3 days.
- If any child is found damaging Madrasah property or misbehaving will be dealt accordingly e.g. detention, cleaning the classroom etc.
- Parents will be responsible to pay for damages their child does to Madrasah property.
- If any parent should have any queries they should contact the office, but they should not directly approach the teachers.
- Children misbehaving will be cautioned twice verbally after which the management reserves the right to expel the child to safeguard other children’s valuable learning time.
I agree to comply fully with the above rules and regulations and I agree to the following:
- Not to interfere with the conduction of the Centre.
- If I have any complaints, I ensure that it will be made in writing directly to the Head of the Centre.
- Not to approach or intimidate any of the teachers for any reason.
- To hold myself responsible for any damages or injuries that maybe caused by the named child in this application.
- I give permission to use my child’s photograph / Video recordings for the Madrasah purpose.
- To pay for the one – off Admission and course fee.
- I confirm that the information given in this application is correct.
- If the above agreements are broken the institute authority reserves the right to take legal action.