Heaven’s Route Admission Form
- To attend all lessons punctually and remain in class throughout.
- To inform teacher, and not fellow students, if you cannot attend a lesson (for a valid reason)
- To come to lesson fully prepared, with all necessary equipment, i.e. pen, workbook etc.
- To dress in a smart and moderate manner, according to Sunnah. Please note that those trousers which flow below the ankles will not be tolerated.
- There will be two examinations during the year. Both exams must be taken in order to deduct a final average at the end of the year.
- An attendance level of at least 80% is required to sit exams. Any student with an attendance level below 80% will be subject to further scrutiny.
- Students are not prohibited to shave their beards, nor are they permitted to trim it undesirably.
- Mobile phones and Laptop are permitted under strict rules. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones during class times and are advised to keep them switched off.
- Students are commanded to show utmost respect to teachers, and make every effort to maintain good relation with them.
- Students must wear a white Jubbah accompanied with a white hat. Denim clothing is strictly disallowed.
Girls must wear black veil with Hijab.
- Authorities can use photographs / Video recordings for the Madrasah purpose.
- The tuition fee must be paid on time.